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What do patients say?

In the qualitative research Patients said it:

  • gave them support and validation for the experience of living with pain
  • Improved understanding of pain mechanisms and coping strategies
  • provided a continuing resource for use after the end of the ‘programme’
  • gave an understanding of how mood, thoughts and beliefs alter the experience of pain
  • taught them relaxation which was very highly valued by 50% of users
  • led to success with goals and motivation
  • helped patients learn pacing techniques

Comprehension. An unpublished, independent study showed that the PMP can be understood by anyone with a reading age of 9 years upwards. To see the comparison with other pain management books, click here

These are just some of the unsolicited comments users have made about the plan…

“I’ve got some control back – over the pain and my life, thanks.”

“Essential! It’s just essential people see this stuff.”

“I feel less frustrated and that helps a lot. I sleep better too.”

“I wanted to be able to look after my house, to get on with my kids better and to feel less fed up. I’m 90% there!”

“It made me realise that there are other people out there that suffer like me and it wasn’t just in my head”

“It helped me identify how I was making it worse or magnifying it.”

“Having the book there 100% is like having someone on tap, you don’t feel like you’re putting on anyone.”

“I can move more freely and easily.”

“It has put me back in control of my own life”

“I used to think I couldn’t sleep because of the pain. I now realise I hadn’t been doing enough to need any sleep.”

“It helped me a great deal by simply following the easy instructions in the book.”

“It was written in a light hearted but sensible way – not scary or boring like some textbooks can be.”

“This book is one of the most useful guides I have seen to help people manage pain. It can help manage any pain because: It deals with getting control back over the tension, the fatigue, the frustration and low mood that long term pain generates”